Its been a while since you have heard from me. Closing a business can be tedious and unfortunately, I have had some health issues that have forced shorter hours to the store as well as erratic openings. I am aware that I have inconvenienced some of you and want to formally apologize. I appreciate and respect everyone that walks through my door whether they are a consigner, a shopper or just an interested party. So, please accept my apologies.
The store is starting to look empty compared to just a month ago. I am managing to keep things pretty organized and by the end of next week ALL consigners will have their items ready for pickup as well as any funds we owe you.
I do have someone coming to look at the store on Saturday, April 18th. She is a potential buyer. I intend to go above and beyond to help this person should they decide to buy. Its a business I love and I would love to see it flourish. I will keep you informed.
If there is no sale, all fixtures will be for sale beginning next week. Here are a few pictures. Perhaps you saw something in the store that you liked....just ask.
The frog collection is for purchase now in a booth in the loft at The Picket Fence.
Thanks to all of you who supported the store in our short time in business.